Doing just one thing every day gets boring.

Take a further look at what else I'm up to.

  • Bristol Casual Cricket.

    Growing up, playing cricket was a huge part of my childhood and since moving to Bristol, has been something I missed. I tried a new club, but life gets in the way, you're not as competitive as you once were, and you really just fancy meeting new people, having a little knock about and enjoying a few drinks after. But I still missed it. So I thought 'why not set up a cricket collective that brings all these elements together for all'.

  • Tight Five Designs.

    I always loved rugby, but got frustrated there is a lot of baggage that comes with it when you mutter that you're a fan. No, I don't wear a gilet. Yes, I do quite like caps instead. So I started a small e-commerce business selling niche, obscure and fun rugby-themed designs. It helps me to scratch the creative itch after a day of being nose-deep in spreadsheets.

  • Jimmy Peters.

    Still a work in progress, but over the past few years, I have learnt and research more about the legend that is Jimmy Peters, Englands first Black rugby player. His story is incredible, one worthy of the Hollywood treatment, but my aim is to just get his name & story more known to the wider public. Unsure what this will evolve into currently, but I am excited to try out new routes to share his story.